My ‘Minimalist Mother’ Essencials

Ok, I have been meaning to get this post out for a while now! Like, months… But we won’t talk about that! 😉 I think I wanted to really judge what I actually use with Abigayle. After 5(!) months (enter sarcasm) I think I know.

As mothers we tend to get very excited when we are getting ready for our babies to come. Clothes, cribs, diapers, wipes, car seats, blankets, pictures, bags, binkies, kits, wraps, crafts, books and so much more! That’s just for the baby!

Right… Well, there are a lot of things that you don’t need and never use but end up buying or owning because of the “nesting” excitement. Especially first time moms! When I had my first child I filled up my tiny one bedroom apartment with so many unnecessary things and spent so much money that I could have saved!My new baby essentials

I have now, after 3 kids, learned what is really needed (or actually comes in handy) and what the world just tells you that “you need”. Yes, there are always going to be things that you want to have for babies, but this post isn’t about “great extras to have around for baby” it’s about simplifying life and keeping a minimalist’s surroundings while raising up your little one.

Aside from the onesies, diapers and other obvious necessities I will point you towards my favorite baby must haves. 😉 For the record, my favorite disposable diapers are from Honest Co. which you can buy at target. They are organic and come in cool designs, like skull and crossbones! They also carry some pretty cool lotions, detergents and soaps for baby.

Baby Hospital Bag

  • Newborn size baby clothes to go home in
  • Sweats and a shirt (and some granny knickers) to go home in
  • Camera
  • 1 Blanket for the car seat ( I made all the blankets for my kids, which saves a lot of money and keeps your hands busy while you are pregnant)
  • Phone charger
  • Socks with non slip bottoms
  • Your journal ( because when your baby is sleeping, your hubby is sleeping and you are too excited to sleep slash sick of day time T.V. you will definitely want to write your thoughts down!)
  • Head phones and calming music
  • Snack food for daddy 😉

Ok, I personally wanted to have a home birth but ended up going to the hospital with my nurse-midwife. I quickly packed and didn’t regret not bringing anything else… plus it was easier to go home. The hospital was nice because they fed me and gave me an unlimited supply of water and cranberry juice! Plus, a comfy bed that moved without me moving and lots of pillows! I know there are people out there with 3 page lists for printing off what you “need” but seriously, I didn’t see the point of it all.

On The Road Again…

You will, obviously need a car seat! Duh! I personally have this Evenflo  car seat because of the style and reviews I read, but that’s me!  I think we got it at Walmart.

I don’t think we really needed (or need) anything else in the car for babies. Though I do put snacks and such in there for my older kids.

Finally Home

The first days and weeks at home are always a little hectic. I liked sleeping in the couch for the first couple nights with the baby so we didn’t disturb anyone in the house. I always kept ( and still keep) a big drinking cup and straw around and full of water. What were the only things that I used in those first few weeks?

  • Baby sleepers. I actually don’t understand why people put babies in anything but sleepers. It’s like this, a baby is cute no matter what you put him/her in whywould you want to put them in super uncomfortable clothes? Especially in the beginning. My daughter is now about 5 months old and I am only now starting to put her in “real” clothes. Plus, it makes things easier on you changing them and they double as socks… you know, those things that babies always kick off!


  • Onesies. I think I only bought like 4 or 5 and still have a small amount.. no need to complicate your laundry more than it already is!


  • A Boppy Nursing Pillow . This thing is a life saver! Even if you are bottle feeding your little one! I have used one for all 3 of my kids and I honestly think it is one of the things I would die without!


  • The Soothie Pacifier Which, if you are using a binkie, is the only one I recommend. These are the binkies from the hospital and I have never used any other. Plus, I have never had a problem breaking my babies of it.


  • A Simple Bathtub. (<<<This one is amazing!) You may be tempted with some fancy shmansy bathtub with all the fun gadgets but honestly, don’t spend THAT much money on something that you put your baby in to wash. You put it in the bath or shower, wash your baby, then take it out…The ones with all the gadgets tend to be way bulky and really annoying and in the long run, diiiirty (ehw). You don’t need it and your baby wont know the difference.


  • Your baby blankets…Obviously

What all do you need for a new baby

That is IT! Yup for  the first few months this is all I used. Abigayle slept in my arms or on a pillow next to me. Why? Because a baby is new to this world and knows only one thing, the love of their mother.

This is an adjustment for them just as much as it is for us and why should we take away the comforts of being with mom? So they don’t get spoiled? I have yet to see a spoiled infant, toddler yes, infant no. As long as you make those small adjustments toward more independent sleeping arrangements as time goes there will be none of the  “horror stories” you hear about where the kids will not sleep in their own beds.

An infant needs their mother more than they need to learn a lesson about how you can’t get everything you want. Save that lesson for the toddlers because babies won’t remember it anyway.

*Sorry for ranting

As They Grow…

Even though we may want them to stay all cute and tiny forever, they have to grow. And that is beautiful. It doesn’t mean however that your stuff needs to grow to a later completely uncontrollable mess!

Here are a couple more of MY favorite “must have” tools for babies that I have used as mine have grown. Keep in mind that I live, and enjoy living, in a small home. I also prefer to make my baby foods over buying them so you may find that you don’t need or want any of these things.

  • A Rock ‘n Play Sleeper. I used this as my sons crib for the first year and now use it for Abigayle for naps during the day. It is simple, keeps your baby in an upright position (which I prefer) and folds up for easy put away.


  • A Bumbo Why get a full sized highchair? They are bulky, annoying and hard to clean. Now that Abby can sit up with help she enjoys watching me cook 🙂


  • A few baby toys.. you don’t need them way early on because your baby will not touch them. But when they get in their 3-4 month(or so) stage they will start grabbing things and seeing them more to actually play with.


  • Some Spoons with a “too hot” gauge.


  • A food processor … I use the Ninja and this is for making your own baby food. Why ? because you can buy a whole sweet potato for about .88, roast it, blend it with a bit of water and make a TON of baby sized servings. You know where your baby food is made, how it’s made and when it was made along with who made it and it is WAY WAY WAY less expensive for your growing family….


  • A dehydrator, I know this is quite bulky and you can use your oven to dehydrate too but I love my dehydrator and have used it to make a whole bunch of snacks for my kids. Including all the ones that Gerber manufactures, for a lot cheaper and a lot more snacks. So worth every penny to me!


  • A Baby Wrap. Because you only have two hands, unless you are holding a baby, then you only have one.


There are some things that you can get the “baby version” of if you like but they are not completely necessary. Here are some examples.

  • Nail clippers
  • Towels
  • A comb

See, it is pretty darn simple! And if you play your cards right you can get a lot of this stuff from your baby shower 😉

Having a baby doesn’t have to mean the end of your savings account or walking space in your home. I have the things that I feel that I need, with nothing that goes unused for my kids and the only reason you can tell I have kids in my home is because of the pictures on the wall and them screaming through the house… At least when it is clean… *shame shame*

Well guys, that was a super long post but I hope it helps all you wonderful new mammas out there!





The links provided in this post are affiliate links, this means that I will receive a small commission (at no cost to you) if you purchase something through the links provided. I do not link to anything I haven’t used or wouldn’t use myself. Thank you for all your support!